“The struggle to find a living and a decent life”
“There was no place for me in the world, and despair began to pour into my heart and began to lose hope in those around me, but the arrival of VHI to the district was like the straw that I hold to survive from poverty and never begging from people, this in turn has contributed greatly to alleviate the burden on me and I became only thinking about how to provide the treatment for my wife, which costs a lot and a lot, especially in the circumstances that our beloved country is going through”.
Mr. Aishan Ahmad is a 70-year-old who was struggling to care for his family in Al-Sha’riya village, Al-Meftah district, Hajja governorate. He is the only one who looks after the family despite his age.
When we visited his house, we noticed how simple and difficult their lives are. His house consists of three brick rooms and a kitchen that is randomly covered with logs and plastic bags; moreover, he shares the house with his only son, daughter-in-law and their four children.
the first thing we noticed when we meet Mr.Aishan was the lack of thumbs and forefinger in his right hand. We became curios to know the reason behind and asked about it ?!, he replied that he lost them during his childhood while playing with the remnants of one of the mines left by the war after the revolution of 26 September 1962; he is a permanent partial disability in one of his hands, which made it almost impossible to get a job opportunity.
Mr. Aishan’s wife suffers from cancer, which has made situation worse and has had a great impact on his suffering and taking responsibility beyond his power, as he is forced to stay home to take care of her.
Luckily, Vision Hope International targeted his district which is one of the districts that suffer from hunger and poverty widespread among the community with general food assistance project GFA. Through the GFA, VHI distributed the food rations — which consisted of goods such as legumes, flour, and oil — to selected beneficiaries once a month at the distribution points in the 13 targeted districts in Hajja and Hodeidah Governorates. Oversight by the FACs ensured that the criteria for selecting beneficiaries was applied in a transparent manner. Beneficiaries received distribution cards to appropriately identify them at food distribution points. To take into account safety issues for female-headed households, time schedules were adjusted to meet the needs of women.
By targeting Aishan in the list of beneficiaries of the GFA project with VHI, Aishan’s life has changed and he can go out of the house and treat his wife and live normally like others. There has been a significant deterioration in the diet of Aishan.
Through the GFA provided by VHI, the probability of having malnutrition is reduced and recovered.